Teeksa Photography

Photography of
Skip Schiel


Links helping people understand the crisis exacerbated by the attacks of September 11, 2001

Assembled by Skip Schiel

March 8, 2002

Reparations and Our
Rendezvous with History

By Manning Marable


Concerns Raised by Philip
Berrigan about Radioactive
Ammunition are Echoing in Europe

by Carl Schoettler

Published on Sunday, January 14, 2001
in the Baltimore Sun


How Can We Justify This?

By Representative Dennis J. Kucinich

Text of a speech that Representative
Dennis Kucinich gave in February 2002.

Illustration©1999 SUE COE


Mugging the ICC

by Daphne Eviatar

The Nation magazine, November 5, 2001
Reproduced in Third World Traveler



Walk for a New Spring:

Reflecting Together on the
Recent Crisis of Terror -
Opening Pathways to Peace

A peace walk thru Massachusetts
ending on the first day of spring,
March 20, 2002, in Boston



The School of Wisdom, and
many other groups around the world,
consider Malidoma and Sobonfu
's work to be of the utmost
historical importance. The teachings
from out of Africa can help all of us
to tap into our latent inner resources
and spiritual powers, become
responsible stewards of the Earth,
and create new rituals for spiritual
inspiration, joy,
healing, community, and global action.
The global village needs the advice of
the indigenous peoples of the world,
and now with Malidoma and Sobonfu,
we have an eloquent voice of the Dagara
[from Burkina Faso]


Our Grief Is Not A Cry For War

Amber Amundson and Ryan
Amundson(Amber Amundson is
the wife of Craig Amundson who
was killed at the
Pentagon on September 11. Ryan
Amundson is Craig’s brother.) Shortly
before coming to Boston, they had
completed a walk from Washington,
DC to New York to oppose war as
the response to the September 11
attacks. They are also working with
the families of other victims of the
Sept. 11 attacks
to create an organization of families
who do not want their grief used to
justify war.

At a conference sponsored by the
American Friends Service Committee, December 2001

Photo by Skip Schiel, December 2001, Tufts University



Beyond Vietnam: A Time to
Break the Silence

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Address delivered to the Clergy and
Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, at Riverside Church
                                                                          4 April 1967
                                                                        New York City



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9 Sacramento Street
Cambridge Massachusetts 02138-1819



Creativity belongs to the artist in each of us. To create means to relate. The root meaning of the word art is to fit together and we all do this every day. Not all of us are painters but we are all artists. Each time we fit things together we are creating - whether it is to make a loaf of bread, a child, a day. ...as artists, we accept responsibility to create - to realize our immense powers to change things, to fit things together in a new way. As artists we work every day. We make our own lives every day; we care for our family every day. It is hard daily work, this creative process. But it is also greater than personal.... There is an energy in the creative process that belongs in the league of those energies which can uplift, unify, and harmonize all of us. This energy, which we call "making," is the relating of parts to make a new whole. The result might be a painting, a symphony, a building. If the job is done well, the work of art gives us an experience of wholeness called ecstasy - a moment of rising above our feelings of separateness, competition, divisiveness "to a state of exalted delight in which normal understanding is felt to be surpassed." (Webster's) ... In a way, the maker (artist) gives us a small taste of that larger art ˜ the new world we are trying to build ˜ a world in which each person, each country, lives in harmonious relationship with each other person and country.... The smaller ecstasies (arts) keep us nourished so that we have the strength to continue working on the larger art.

—Corita Kent

Thanks to Susan Lees, Marquerite Helen, Jim Casteris, Mazin Qumsiyeh, Dinah Starr, Shawn McGivern, Esther Murer (Types & Shadows), American Friends Service Committee (New England region), Lisa Taylor, Teresa Williams, Frank Houde, Louise Dunlap, Meck Groot, Tracy Marks, Bob Schiel and others for leading me to many of these sites.

The views of what's linked are not necessarily those of the website manager, Skip Schiel